
Our approach to market value assertion is comprehensive, allowing our users to discover real-time insights into pricing, demand dynamics, and market trends. We analyze the entirety of the online watch market by gathering most publicly available data. Our scrapers collect data from the most popular marketplaces, direct-to-consumer websites, and aggregators. We run our scrapers daily, incorporating asking prices, bids, offers, and sales. Our algorithm uses these events, historical price stability, and liquidity to calculate a fair and conservative market value for each watch.

In this process, we remove outliers from our data and do not publish market values for watches that do not have substantial data available. For example, if a watch is listed only once online, we will not provide a market value for it.

We also support every market value with independent verification from an appraiser before it is used to value collateral when loans are issued. Our appraisers determine the bottom-cash value of a watch in the wholesale market to ensure, to the highest degree, that loans will not go underwater. This independent appraisal provides additional integrity to the entire process.

Once a loan is outstanding from a borrower, the Market Value of the collateral is actively maintained by an appraiser that actively determines the bottom-cash value of the watch in the wholesale market. If there is any subsequent change in the market value of the underlying watch that may affect the borrower’s refinance, we reach out to the borrower and translate this information to them. We then update our backend powering the price of the collateral with the change to ensure the safety of our Lenders.

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